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Celebrating Development (2023)

Commissioned by CID

The Consortium on Individual Development looks back on ten years of multidisciplinary research. A video to reflect and celebrate development on various levels.


It parallels the consortium's main research question, on how a child develops into an individual, with the 10 yearlong development of its individual researchers into academics within a complex multidisciplinary organisation. Yielding both groundbreaking results as groundbreaking methods. A new way of conducting comprehensible science.


Featuring (in order of appearance):

Andrik Becht

Marian Joëls

Chantal Kemner

Lina van Drunen

Annemieke Witte

Roy Hessels

Lilli Wielink

Coosje Veldkamp

Caroline Junge

Susan Branje

Dorien Huijser

Elsje van Bergen

Maria Wiertsema

The consortium united the best in development research from seven Dutch institutes:


Utrecht University

University Medical Center Utrecht

Leiden University

University Medical Center Groningen

Rotterdam Erasmus Medical Center

VU University Amsterdam

Funded by the Gravitation programme of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Video & interviews: Frances Rompas

Assistance & translation: Juliet Campfens


9,5 minute testimonial video



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